
Prove Developer Blog

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Latest developer blogs

identity management
Developer Blogs
Identity and Access Management: Trends to Watch
Identity and Access Management: Trends to Watch

The next few years will be crucial to the development of identity and access management (IAM) trends.

August 16, 2021
Developer Blogs
Announcing GaitAuth™
Announcing GaitAuth™

GaitAuth can authenticate a person based on the motion associated with their gait—the way they walk—completely passively and at a high level of accuracy.

John Whaley
August 12, 2021
PushAuth - Android
Developer Blogs
How to Implement PushAuth™: Android Mobile App
How to Implement PushAuth™: Android Mobile App

This post will help you build the Android mobile app to do so; then you will be able to leverage the power of PushAuth for login requests!

Web application - PushAuth
Developer Blogs
Building a Web Application with PushAuth™
Building a Web Application with PushAuth™

In this post, we will create a sample website from scratch using Rails and will integrate PushAuth™ APIs into the user login flow.

Eric Seo and Ben Baral
August 11, 2021
Trusted device registration
Developer Blogs
The Power of Trusted Device Registration
The Power of Trusted Device Registration

This post builds on the previous posts by providing an extension of our sample project with feature and security enhancements.

Morgan Frisby
August 10, 2021
docker beanstalk
Developer Blogs
Docker and Beanstalk: Welcome to the Gaps
Docker and Beanstalk: Welcome to the Gaps

At Prove, we are big fans of microservices à la Docker and Elastic Beanstalk.

James Robson
August 9, 2021
PushAuth - iOS
Developer Blogs
How to Implement PushAuth™: iOS Mobile App
How to Implement PushAuth™: iOS Mobile App

The tutorial in this post builds on the web server from the first tutorial.

Developer Blogs
Integrating Trusted Registration for PushAuth™
Integrating Trusted Registration for PushAuth™

In this post, we will enhance the basic website we created in the Building a Web Application with PushAuth™ post.

Developer Blogs
WebTorch: A Load Balancer That Learns
WebTorch: A Load Balancer That Learns

Machine Learning services are very stateful, and statefulness is a problem for horizontal scaling.

Lef Ioannidis
August 4, 2021
passwords and biometrics
Developer Blogs
New Study Shows Consumers Desire a World Beyond Passwords and Biometrics
New Study Shows Consumers Desire a World Beyond Passwords and Biometrics

A new study surveyed 1,000 consumers in the United States to better understand their perceptions of convenience, security, and privacy around authentication.

July 29, 2021
docker microservices
Developer Blogs
How I Stopped Worrying and Embraced Docker Microservices
How I Stopped Worrying and Embraced Docker Microservices

If you are like us here at Prove, then you’re really passionate about programming,programming languages, and their runtimes. You will argue passionately abouthow Erlang has the best Distributed Systems model (2M TCPconnections in one box), Haskell has the best typesystem, and how all our ML backend should be written in Lua (Torch).

Lef Ioannidis
July 15, 2021
Credential Stuffing
Developer Blogs
Credential Stuffing: How PRC Almost Hacked my Steam
Credential Stuffing: How PRC Almost Hacked my Steam

Recently we’ve witnessed some pretty big password leaks. First, 6.4m unsalted passwords leaked from LinkedIn, then 500m passwords leaked from Yahoo, which today turned to 1 billion accounts.

Lef Ioannidis
July 8, 2021
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